Extended deadline: IV ESREA Network conference: “Adult Education and Learning Policy in a World Risk Society”


To accomodate requests by a number of colleagues we have have extended the deadline for submission to the Fourth Conference of the ESREA Network on Policy Studies in Adult EducationAdult Education and Learning Policy in a World Risk Society will take place on 16-18 May 2019, at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, the Czech Republic.

New submission deadline: by 24th January 2018

Full information can be found in the Third Call for papers (featured below and attached) and on the conference website: https://sites2.ff.cuni.cz/esrea2019

All correspondence regarding the conference should be sent to: [email protected]

Please, feel free to further disseminate this information among potential interested colleagues and newer scholars (PhD students can apply for a limited number of bursaries). Thanks!

Best wishes,

The Organizing Committee:
Assistant Professor Martin Kopecký, Charles University, the Czech Republic 
Associate Professor Marcella Milana, University of Verona, Italy
Assistant Professor Michal Šerák, Charles University, the Czech Republic
Assistant Professor Olga Běhounková, Charles University, the Czech Republic
Veronika Kazimourová, Charles University, the Czech Republic


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