Adult education from a psychological perspective
McFarlane, Oliwia et al.
Source: Journal of Education, Health and Sport; vol. 9, no 9, 09/2019
Basic digital skills for adults in the Nordic countries
Anthony, Susanne et al.
Source: Nordic network for adult learning, 01/2020
Lang: ENG, SWE
The Challenges of the Inmates' Adult Educator. A Greek Case Study
Tzatsis, Petros et al.
Source: Education Quarterly Reviews; vol. 2, no 2, 06/2019
Completing Studies in Alternative Ways in Adult Education. ‘Who has told me that I cannot ...?’
Randevåg, Lena; Boström, Lena
Source: International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research; vol. 18, no 7, 09/2019
Éducation non formelle à l’environnement : Fondements sociohistoriques et modalités d’expression territoriale
Toupet, Joy
Source: Institut national de la jeunesse et de l'éducation populaire (INJEP), 12/2019
Lang: FRE
EPALE Conference 2019 report
Source: EPALE, 12/2019
Educational Leave as a Time Resource for Participation in Adult Learning and Education (ALE)
Rüter, Fabian; Martin, Andreas; Schrader, Josef
Source: Frontiers in Psychology, 01/2020
Étude qualitative auprès d’adultes ayant un faible niveau de qualifications, en attente ou en reprise de formation
Vega Fernández, Patricia; Faulx, Daniel
Source: Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, 12/2019
Lang: FRE
Improving attainment in the FE and adult learning sector
Source: Learning and Work Institute, 01/2020
Life skills and participation in adult learning
Source: European Association for the Education of Adults, EAEA Policy Paper, 12/2019
Mission sur le maintien en emploi des seniors: Rapport au Premier ministre
Bellon, Sophie; Meriaux, Olivier; Soussan, Jean-Manuel
Source: Ministère du Travail (France), 01/2020
Lang: FRE
Petit guide de l'AFEST à l'usage de tous
Source: Agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation, 01/2020
Lang: FRE
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