The Open University Access Programme has a vacancy for an external adviser. Their current external adviser’s term will end on 31 August 2021, so they would like a new EA to be in place by then.
The first formal meeting attendance will be December 2021, but they hope a new EA will be able to attend (virtually) for the September meeting too so they can get up to speed before they are asked to produce a report. The role is a particularly collegial and developmental one and will cover areas very relevant to the interests of UALL colleagues.
Featured below and attached is Open University guidance for the appointment of a new External Advisor for the Access Board Of Studies which includes eligibility and information about the role.
For further information or to discuss the position, contact Professor John Butcher, Director Access, Open and Cross-curricular Innovation on:
+44 (0) 1908 654055 | [email protected] |
The Open University, Ground Floor, Wilson B, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
Kind regards
Verity Hilton
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