We are pleased to be able to make available to CR&DALL subscribers highlights of the work in 2020/21 of the Céreq, a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry responsible for Education and the Ministry responsible for Labour and Employment in France.
The Céreq's mission is to better understand the links between training, work and employment, to enlighten those involved in training and work by drawing lessons from studies and research, to support and equip professionals in setting up evaluation or observation systems. It conducts field studies and research, builds statistical surveys and disseminates the knowledge acquired by promoting its work to a wide audience.
Training & Employment #156 | Retraining is hard work! A survey of unskilled workers
The question of retraining lies at the heart of current employment policy issues. However, wanting to change occupation is no guarantee of completing a retraining programme, even less of finding a job.
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Training & Employment #155 | What role does education play in environmental concerns?
Several international studies and reports have highlighted the key role that education plays in raising people’s awareness of environmental issues.
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Formation Emploi #157 | The third-party employer, an emerging figure in the training-employment link
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Formation Emploi #156 | Contradictions in the professionalisation of initial education
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Popular publications on our website
- How do young people from priority neighbourhoods fare after their baccalauréat? Training & Employment #151, Read more >
- Do firms facilitate the construction of competences?, In and Around 2, Read more >
June 21st, 22nd, 23d : Hybdrid and Finland (Unevoc)
November 16th : Virtual event (Cedefop)


Calificaciones y empleo | n°121
¿Qué nos enseñan las prácticas de evaluación de los profesionales de empresa?
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Calificaciones y empleo | n°120
Comparación de la formación en Europa: un techo de cristal para las empresas francesas
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Céreq | Since 1971
Illuminating the links between training, employment and work.
A multidisciplinary group of experts.
Public body under the supervision of the minister of education and the minister of employment.
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