50 Years Adult Education in Tanzania - This was the title of a major conference in 2021 at the University of Dar es Salaam, United Republik of Tanzania to celebrate the occasion that President Julius Kambarage Nyerere announced Adult Education Year in his New Year Speach in 1970. It was later published as "Education Never Ends" and in as much as it strengthened the understanding of the importance of adult education for development, it also was a strong pointer to the need for lifelong learning. Another of his messages was: "First we must educate adults."
The conference had well above 100 participants and for those who could not join physically in Dar es Salaam online participation was provided. Now the proceedings of the conference are available in full with all keynotes, speeches, and other contributions very well edited by the team who worked for a longer period to make this conference a success: Eustella P. Bhalalusesa, Victor M. Mlekwa, Philipo L. Sanga, Blackson K. Kanukisya, and Mpoki J. Mwaikokesya (Eds) (2022). Proceedings of the International Conference to Celebrate 50 Years of Adult Education in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Dar es Salaam University Press
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