Symposium and book launch of Access, Lifelong Learning and Education for All - in memory of Professor Jim Gallacher

Symposium and book launch of Access, Lifelong Learning and Education for All

A half-day symposium to launch the book, Access, Lifelong Learning and Education for All(link is external), in commemoration of the late Professor Jim Gallacher was held on Friday 6 October 2023 at Glasgow Caledonian University. The event was opened by Professor Andrea Nelson (Pro Vice-Chancellor, Glasgow Caledonian University).

There followed an introduction by one of the book’s editors,  Professor Sir Peter Scott (University College London), and an initial keynote from Professor John McKendrick (Glasgow Caledonian University and Commissioner for Fair Access in Scotland) entitled, Access Beyond Elites.

Another of the editors, Professor Gareth Parry (University of Sheffield) introduced the second keynote speaker, Dr Lucy Hunter Blackburn (Freelance researcher in higher education) whose presentation was entitled Alternative Pathways. The third editor of the collection, Professor Michael Osborne (University of Glasgow) introduced the final keynote, from Professor Ellen Boeren (University of Glasgow) whose contribution concerned Learning in Community Settings. Collectively these presentations touched upon the three main themes of the book, and some of the key foci of Jim’s lifetime of dedication to lifelong learning and inclusion.

The day continued with a panel discussion chaired by Mike Osborne with contributions from Dr Paul Little ( Principal of City of Glasgow College) on FE/HE links, Professor Ruth Whittaker ( Pro Vice-Chancellor University of Brighton) on flexible pathways to and within HE and Emeritus Professor Terry Mayes (Glasgow Caledonian University) on technology-enhanced learning.

We were delighted to be joined by Jim’s wife, Pauline, and son Aidan as well as many of Jim’s friends and colleagues around Scotland and beyond. Many other contributors sent their warm wishes to us. Pauline concluded proceedings with thanks to all contributors to the book, and speakers on the day, and reflected also on Jim’s passions in life. Suitably we then retired to celebrate further with one of Jim’s favourite tipples- a glass (or two) of red wine.

Attached are copies of the presentations made on the day.

Discussion topics: 

CR&DALL Themes: 

PDF icon hunterblackburn.pdf1.64 MB
PDF icon boeren.pdf1.08 MB
PDF icon mckendrick.pdf7.3 MB
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