Many colleagues joined us for the University of Iasi conference “Universities and Adult Education” and / or the two related events of the Induction to the Hall of Fame and the University of Bucharest Lifelong Learning Day. Others supported us as co-partners, or helped us in shaping some of the presentations and the agenda for the conference, or supporting the inductees via proposals or seconding.
Here are the three recent news stories with links to our website with respective news, photos, and documents.
Professor Honoris Causa title awarded to Heribert Hinzen by the University of Bucharest, Romania, 26 April
Two personalities in the field of adult education and lifelong learning as well as international cooperation were invited to join the University of Bucharest and receive the title Professor Honoris Causa. These were conferred on James Pappas, Vice President for University Outreach of the University of Oklahoma, and Heribert Hinzen, Regional Director of DVV International for South and Southeast Asia, Vientiane, Lao PDR. The University of Bucharest celebrates its 150th anniversary this year, and the occasion chosen for the ceremony was the Lifelong Learning Day. Attached are “Lifelong learning and higher education. Words of appreciation and gratitude”, and some photos of the event. The Chair of DVV International Board of Trustees, Dr. Dagmar Engels, and the former Director of the Romanian office, Mrs. Mariana Matache, joined the celebration.
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Adult Education in Universities. Local and Regional Perspectives. University of Iasi, Romania, 27 – 30 April
The University of Iasi has been organizing a series of international conferences on adult education for the last decade. This year the themes, presentations and discussions centered on university engagement through adult education and lifelong learning. The conference was supported by a consortium of Romanian Universities for Iasi, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, and Timisoara, and partners included ICAE, ASPBAE, EAEA, PASCAL, and CR&DALL. Attached is the rich conference program, the paper on “University engagement and the post-2015 agenda. What are the roles and functions to support adult education and lifelong learning” by Chris Duke and Heribert Hinzen, as well as some photos. A book on the conference will follow soon.
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Induction Ceremony International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame. Iasi, 29 April
The IACE HOF was established in the year 1996, and has now around 300 members who have been inducted in the last 18 years. The University of Oklahoma College of Continuing education is the official headquarters. While in earlier years members comprised mostly from the USA, the number of inductees from other continents, especially Asia and Europe, have grown considerably. From the perspective of ASPBAE, EAEA and DVV it should be noted that this year longstanding partners like Prof. Chris Duke, England; Dorothy Lucardie, Australia; Sturla Bjerkaker, ICAE; Prof. Sari Mihaly, Hungary; and Prof. Milka Atanasova (posthumus), Bulgaria, were among those inducted.
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I should like to say thank you so much for all your support and encouragement in different ways, now or earlier.
Prof. Soitu from the University of Iasi, the chief organizer of the conference, presented the book on “Lifelong Learning and Governance” to all participants; this is featured below and attached for download.
I look forward to much more cooperation during the course of the year. The calendar of events shows already a good amount of possible occasions.
Heribert Hinzen
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