Radical Practice: What Can Be Done?

Sir Alwyn Williams Building
The University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ
United Kingdom
Friday, 20 February, 2015 - 10:00 to 16:00

Seminar Series: 

This workshop will explore the challenges facing community development practice in the UK if it is to effectively contribute to the empowerment of communities.

Radical Practice: What Can Be Done?

20 Feb 2015, 10am – 4pm, Sir Alwyn Williams Building, The University of Glasgow

  • The workshop will explore the challenges facing community development practice in the UK if it is to effectively contribute to the empowerment of communities.
  • The objective is to reflect on the current situation and identify routes towards a practice which is more effective at delivering sustainable social change.

Position Statements

When you register for this event submit a half page or so…no more than one page answering the following:

  • What do consider to be radical CD practice?
  • What are the biggest challenges that you face?
  • What could you (or us together) do to enhance your practice or practice across the board?

We will work with those statements in small groups to develop consensuses of understanding and starting points for action Themes.

Themes we may explore: Role of formal and informal learning • Models of organizing • Where are the leaders? • Identity and Culture • In and Against (radical practice in non radical organization)


Each group will produce a Statement of Intent which will indicate their thinking on the issue and their ideas for future action.

Recall Day

A recall workshop will take place on 28th May 2015 in Dundee to discuss progress and to plan the next steps.

Sign Up!

To book a place for this FREE event, email cradall@glasgow.ac.uk(link sends e-mail) – remember to attach your position statement.

PDF icon Radical_Practice_Flyer.pdf122.8 KB
