I am glad to inform you that the ESREA network on Policy Studies in Adult Education is organizing a Panel: Revisiting the 1976 UNESCO Recommendation on the development of adult education on Saturday, 20 June, 11 a.m.-1.30 p.m. at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Featured below and attached is a full description.
Please note that the panel will be hosted by the International conference 'Perspectives on Community Practices – Living and Learning in Community' (http://bgl2015.pedagogika-andragogika.com/)organized by the ESREA Network on Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and Development. However, this panel it is also open to all interested parties, free of charge.
Best wishes,
Marcella Milana
The convenors of the ESREA Research Network on Policy Studies in Adult Education:
John Holford, Marcella Milana and Vida Mohorčič Špolar
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