12th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform

Tianjin Normal University
Tian Jian Lu
Xiqing Qu
Wednesday, 21 October, 2015 - 00:00 to Friday, 23 October, 2015 - 00:00

The School of Education, Tianjin Normal University, with strong support from the Higher Education Special Interest Group of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE), the Chinese Council for the Study of Higher Education (CCSHE), and the Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education and Training of the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, Canada, is pleased to announce that it will host the 12th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform (HER), October 21-23, 2015.

This HER Workshop will address the important theme: Policies and Practice of Quality Assurance and Control in Higher Education. The format of the Workshop is distinctive in that it is designed to provide a platform for a wide range of international higher education researchers, policy makers, practitioners to share experiences, exchange ideas, establish collaborations, and discuss potential solutions about these topics.  

Presentations are invited, and discussions will primarily focus, on aspects of the overall workshop theme of academic quality, quality assurance and control. It is suggested that sub-themes address questions relating to: policies on quality assurance and control; definitions and standards of academic ‘quality’; what is evaluated and for what purposes; methodologies of quality control and its relevance for the content of academic programs; and, the relevance and usefulness of quality assurance and control for various stakeholders, for example, students, employers, and funders of Higher Education. In common with the approach of previous HER Workshops, the 2015 event will provide an opportunity for comparative analysis and discussion of these and related issues. Proceedings and a selection of papers and panel presentations will be published.

Papers and panels that address the above-mentioned and related sub-themes are invited. Proposals of up to 400 words (for papers) and 800 words (for panels) should be received by electronic mail (file transfer) on or before April 20, 2015 at [email protected].  Presenters will be notified by May 6, 2015. Please kindly find the attachment for detailed information.

Details concerning communication, registration, accommodation, and the program will be found at the workshop website:  http://www.tjnu.edu.cn/her2015/   

We sincerely invite you to join in this great event and we will appreciate if you could circulate it to your colleagues and friends.

We are truly looking forward to hosting you in beautiful Tianjin, China!

Should you have any questions please feel free to be in touch.

Thank you.


Dr. Sumin Li
Professor, Dean of School of Education, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China
Workshop Chair – 12th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform

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