Call for participation to the ESRALE online Lecture of Ruud Duvekot - 04. 12. 2015

Friday, 4 December, 2015 - 14:00

The time’s ripe for personalising learning – ESRALE Course of Lectures – Second Session

Ruud Duvekot describes and analyses international research and literature which focuses on the evolution of Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) in the contexts of a) policy on lifelong learning since the 1970s and b) policy on the concept of the learning society and the challenges it poses for learning systems, social-economic systems, and the nature and role of the citizen. He reflects that over recent decades one of the most intriguing features in lifelong learning policy-making has been a focus on the use of personalized competences, arguing that lifelong learning policies are slo wly but surely prioritizing these individual learning processes. This presentation provides a map of the policy journey towards the acknowledgement of the social and economic value of ‘personalized lifelong learning’ and the systematics of VPL.

Ruud Duvekot has been involved in policy-making and policy research on lifelong learning strategies and the validation of non-formal and informal learning since 1995. He founded the Kenniscentrum EVC, the Dutch knowledge-centre on the Validation of Prior Learning (VPL).

He worked as Associate Professor ‘validation of prior learning’ at the Univeristy of Amsterdam of Applied Sciences and as ‘personalized learning’ at Inholland University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands.  Currently he manages the Centre for Lifelong Learing servives (CL3S). He also chairs the foundation European Centre Valuation Prior Learning for research and design of validation-applications and the foundation CH-Q NL/B for portfolio management and training.

Second Session within the ESRALE course of Lectures on the 04.12.2015 at 14:00 (CET)

(the actual Classroom will be open shortly before the sessions starts)

You can either join with "Guest Access" or create an account. An account has the advantage, that your name can be shown and not only "Guest".

If there are any questions, get in touch with Mario Ganz at the TU Kaiserslautern: [email protected]

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