CHER 2016 - The University as a Critical Institution?

Queens' College, Cambridge
Silver St
Cambridge CB3 9ET
United Kingdom
Monday, 5 September, 2016 - 00:00 to Wednesday, 7 September, 2016 - 00:00

The 29th Annual Conference of CHER on the theme 'The University as a Critical Institution?' ( will be held at Queens' College, University of Cambridge, UK, 5-7 September 2016.

The following themes will be presented:

Strand 1 – Governance: Critical regulation and regulated criticism
Strand 2 – Teaching and learning: Beyond employability
Strand 3 – Growth, equality, movement and instability in higher education systems
Strand 4 – Other research topics related to the conference theme

Please see the CHER 2016 website for further information.

Online registration, now available click here .

  • We recommend you to register for the conference at the early bird rate which ends on MARCH 31st 2016
  • Note that at least one of the authors’ must register and pay for the Conference by APRIL 15TH 2016.

Accommodation at Queens’ and Lucy Cavendish Colleges

A number of rooms have been booked at special rates,

For full information and rates click here

For any additional information do not hesitate to contact the Executive Secretariat at [email protected]

We look forward to your joining us in Cambridge in September 2016.

CHER 2016 Executive Secretariat
CHER2016, 5>7 September 2016, Quenns' College, Cambridge, UK

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