Literacy forum
I recently attended a themed forum facilitated by Mountain District Learning Centre on improving support and collaboration to assist adults with low levels of literacy. One of the speakers was Jamie who told us how he hid his difficulties with reading and writing until it started to limit his opportunities at work. With the support of his family Jamie decided to get help. His local library connected him with a volunteer tutor. Working with a tutor Jamie developed his confidence as well as his literacy skills.
Jamie’s courage in seeking help and sharing his story was a powerful reminder for me of the important role ALA plays in advocating on behalf of the sector for adult learners.
Over the coming months, as ALA meets with key political parties in the lead up to the federal election, we will be emphasising ALA’s role in advocating for and promoting lifelong and lifewide learning for all Australians.
We will be arguing for recognition and funding to support the continued important contribution adult and community education plays in helping people like Jamie overcome barriers to participating in learning.
I encourage you to have a look at our pre-budget submission and look forward to your input.
ASQA/ALA members briefing
On 10 March a group of ALA members and I met with ASQA CEO Chris Robinson. This is the third meeting ALA has facilitated with ASQA. The agenda included ASQA’s regulatory priorities for 2016, an update on the release of strategic industry reviews one of those being training for early childhood education and care, and a list of questions from ACE RTOs for discussion and clarification by ASQA.
Considering the renewed focus on the quality of delivery within the VET system, driven by the abuse of VET Fee Help, it is great to be offered a voice at the table with the national regulator of VET for providers of community education and training.
Members can read the minutes of the meeting by logging into our website. If you are an ALA member and regulated by ASQA and would like to attend please email me at [email protected] and let me know. The next meeting is planned for 7 June in Sydney.
AGM and Board elections
Nominations are still open for interested members to stand as candidates for the ALA Board. This is an opportunity for members to be involved at a strategic level and have a positive impact on adult learning and community education across Australia. Nominations close on Friday 1 April. The results of Board elections will be announced at our AGM on Friday 29 April.
We're social!
ALA's social media strategy aims to make life easier for our members. By following our members in the social space we can spread your news, promote your events, share in your celebrations, and simply show off the great work you do.
We can also foster conversations helping you connect with like-minded people and organisations in Australia and around the world. We also invest time in finding great content to post that we think will be helpful in keeping you up with sector news and grants, will save you time, stimulate discussion, inspire you or simply make you smile.
Next time you log on to Facebook, Twitter or Linked In, tag us in a post or join in the conversation so we can make sure we’re following you.
New staff member
Henrik Steenberg has joined the ALA team as our new Memberships and Projects Officer, taking over the role from Linda Thompson.
We’re grateful for Linda’s contribution over the last couple of years and wish her well in her new job. If you have any queries about your membership, please feel free to contact Henrik at [email protected] or call 03 9689 8623.
International exchange 2017
Expressions of interest are invited from people keen to participate in 'Getting of Wisdom' an older learner research, policy and practice exchange between Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
The exchange program includes research, policy and practice forums, cultural orientation and field visits in both Australia and New Zealand from 12-18 Feb 2017.
If you’re interested please email [email protected]
Skills Checkpoint pilot program
The Skills Checkpoint is a new pilot program managed by the Department of Education and Training (DET). The free service offers career advice and detailed skills analysis for workers aged 45–54 who are looking to reskill or transition into new roles. Australian Apprenticeship Support Network providers in NSW, ACT, Victoria, Queensland and WA deliver the program.
DET are interested in feedback on the Skills Checkpoint from both providers and organisations who refer people to the service. I am keen to solicit and collate feedback on behalf of our members so please email me at [email protected] if you would like to add your comments on the service.
More information about Skills Checkpoint is available here.
Around the nation
We are always keen to hear what is happening with adult learning around Australia so we can promote good news stories and events from each state on behalf of our members. Please feel free to submit items to us at [email protected] or tag us in your posts on social media.
Best wishes for a happy Easter,
Stephen Dunn
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