BALID symposium at BAICE conference, September 2018, University of York

University of York
York YO10 5DD
United Kingdom
Wednesday, 12 September, 2018 - 00:00 to Friday, 14 September, 2018 - 00:00

The British Association for Literacy in Development invites you to submit a 150-word abstract for the proposed symposium at the September 2018 BAICE conference at the University of York. Our suggested title is 'Adult Literacy and Development: Structural Problems and Innovative Responses’.

Although adult education and lifelong learning are included in the SDGs and have an important contribution to make to sustainable development, education is still often understood as primarily a matter of formal education in schools, colleges and universities.

Adult literacy learning programmes are generally underfunded and often hindered by outdated understandings of literacy and by traditional approaches to teaching reading and writing restricted to the memorisation of letters and phonic decoding rather than working with existing and potential literacy practices in the communities where literacy education programmes are offered.

BALID invites submissions to the proposed symposium which offer examples of innovative approaches to adult literacy and address the impact of institutional frameworks that enable or inhibit literacy learning.

Please send a 150 word abstract of your proposed presentation to [email protected] or [email protected] by 12 January 2018.

Paper presentations will be limited to 15 minutes with additional time for discussion.

Further information on the BAICE conference is available at

Apologies for the short notice but the deadline for conference submissions is 1st February.

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