The crisis in part-time higher education and the mature student: Finding a way forward

Ambassadors Bloomsbury Hotel
12 Upper Woburn Place
London WC1H 0HX
United Kingdom
Thursday, 19 November, 2015 - 00:00

Please find featured below and attached the programme for our Annual Seminar, which is being held on Thursday, 19th November at the Ambassadors Hotel, Upper Woburn Place, London.

This Seminar will examine present issues in part-time study for mature students and will address the issue of how we can find a way forward in this important area of our work.

The keynote speakers are: Les Ebdon, Director, Office for Fair Access and Professor Claire Callender, Birkbeck, University of London and UCL Institute of Education.

Please do reserve your place by completing the attached Booking Form.  Details can also be found on the UALL website at:

I very much look forward to hearing from you.

With best wishes,



Lucy Bate MSc
Universities Association for Lifelong Learning

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