In this edition of the L&W Newsletter you should note in particular several calls for papers relating to international conferences: the 22nd GeNeMe Conference "Communities in New Media" in Dresden, the TVET Conference 2020 in Pretoria (see Conferences) and the Cedefop/OECD symposium on apprenticeship (see Networks and Organisations); also a call for applications for the IPEP Winter School 2019 in Verona (see Programmes and Projects); calls for contributions to the Edited book for UFHRD and the Handbook of research on TVET (see Publications), and calls for proposals for the VET Research Award 2019 and the new EMCC Research Award (see Networks and Organisations). And not to overlook: the vacancy announcements for positions at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (see Networks and Organisations)!
Workplace Learning
In this edition of the L&W Newsletter you should note in particular several calls for papers relating to international conferences: the UFHRD Doctoral symposium in Nottingham, the UALL Work and Learning network conference in London, the EDI stream on Diversity and Precarious Work in Rotterdam, the CVER conference in London, the PASCAL conference in Cork, the European Access Network conference in Ghent, the BIBB conference in Siegburg, the ProPEL conference in Sydney and the ReNAdET meeting in Thessaloniki; also calls for papers relating to a book on VET in the age of digitalization, and to special issues of journals: on the economics of vocational education (ERVET), on continuing training (IJTD), on international mobility (JIM/ERASMUS+), on gender hegemony (HRDI) and on adult learning and sustainability (RELA).
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In this edition of the L&W Newsletter you should note in particular several calls for papers relating to international conferences: the Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning in Copenhagen, #EDEN2019 in Bruges, the ESREA conference in Belgrade, the EAPRIL conference in Tartu (see Conferences) and the Transitions in Youth (TIY) workshop in Maastricht (see Networks and Organisations), and to special issues of international journals: Gender hegemony (HRDI), Refugee workforce integration (HRMJ), Literacies and adult education (RELA) and International mobility in education, training and research (JIM/ERASNUS+). And not to overlook the following offers: a call for tender (BIBB), a call for applications (CIDER), a position of Research Intern (SFIVET) and limited places for the ECADOC summer school in Malta (see Programmes and Projects)!
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I’m pleased to report that Nicki Hedge and Catherine Lido are co-Is in a new EPSRC project led by Professor Anne Anderson, Head of the College of Social Sciences at the Universiy of Glasgow as PI. The funding for the project in total is £395,302, and it includes other Co-Is from Engineering and SPS. Congratulations to both Nicki and Catherine on this achievement.
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Working Paper:
It has long been suggested that in order to meet the requirements of the knowledge economy, university provision for adult learners is crucial. In its resolution of 2011 on modernising universities for Europe’s competitiveness in a global economy, the European Council claimed:
to improve the identification of training needs, increase the labour market relevance of education and training, facilitate individuals’ access to lifelong learning opportunities and guidance, and ensure smooth transitions between the worlds of education, training and employment.” (EU 2011a)
One of the key elements of this modernising strategy is to encourage higher education (HE) institutions to be more accessible to non-traditional learners including adult students; and, to develop further their role in lifelong learning, increasing, where appropriate, the diversity of the tertiary education system.
This is confirmed in the strategy framed in the new master plan Europe 2020. In the strategy paper “Supporting growth and jobs – an agenda for the modernisation of Europe's higher education systems” (EU 2011b) one of the key policy issues is to encourage a greater variety of study modes (e.g. part-time, distance and modular learning, continuing education for adult returners and others already in the labour market) to increase flexibility and therefore widen access.
The LETAE project examines selected cases of apparent good practice in the participating countries of Germany, Scotland, Finland, Turkey, Spain, and Czech Republic; analysing potential and examining barriers to their successful articulation with the labour market, establish a dialogue between institutional and external stakeholders about ways to increase the labour market efficiency of the programmes and provide tools that attempt to measure this.
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An interdisciplinary workshop on 18th June 2018 at the University of Glasgow brings together views, perspectives, and insights from international policy makers and academics on effective learning and training for inclusive and sustainable socio- economic development of marginalised populations globally. According to the recent Human Development Report (2016) by UNDP average human development has improved globally; yet marginalized sections continue to suffer basic forms of deprivation.
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The College of Social Sciences at the University of Glasgow invites expressions of interest from external candidates wishing to apply for UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships.
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The Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work [L&W] is provided by the Research Forum WIFO, which has been involved in collaborative European VET and HRD research related to various networks, particularly VETNET and the UFHRD, to EU programmes and Cedefop activities. The L&W Newsletter is intended to offer first-hand information on European VET and HRD research, including news on networks, conferences and seminars, web-based resources, projects and publications.
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I have just has the pleasure of attending a conference organised by the University of Wurtzberg in collaboration with the Asia-Europe Lifelong Learning hub, entitled Lifelong Learning Policies & Adult Education Professionals: Contextual and Cross-Contextual Comparisons between Europe and Asia.
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The Tandem Project and Chain 5 invite you to a Conference on Work Based Learning: Theory, Practice and Strategy - with a particular emphasis on level 5 qualifications:
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