Please find featured below and attached the latest issue of the Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) Members’ Bulletin, which I hope you will find of interest.
In the Bulletin we aim to give you a regular update on what has been happening in the world of higher education lifelong learning as reported by the press, Government and public bodies, individuals, as well as items relating to UALL member institutions. We also aim to alert you to a selection of forthcoming events and policy matters.
The Bulletin is one of UALL’s services to its members, and feedback from readers indicates it is widely read and circulated to staff of our member universities and colleges.
Keep up to date with all UALL news by visiting our website at:
In this issue you will find items on:
- UALL news and events
- General news
- UK Government and higher education
- Student fees/grant
- Statistics and surveys
- Distance learning
- Gender
- Post/graduates
- Widening participation
- Research
- International and overseas students
- Funding Councils: England/Northern Ireland (HEFCE), Scotland (SFC), Wales (HEFCW)
- Publications
With best wishes,
Lucy Bate MSc
Universities Association for Lifelong Learning
For regularly updated information about UALL, including events, go to:
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