If you haven’t already reserved your place at our AGM and Annual Seminar, please do so. This event is taking place on Thursday, 24 November at the Ambassadors Hotel, Upper Woburn Place, London – please see the programmes attached.
Our keynote speakers at the Annual Seminar are:
Fiona Waye, Universities UK – the findings of this final UUK Report of the Prime Minister’s Social Mobility Advisory Group will be presented.
John Field, University of Stirling - will be presenting his perspectives of Lifelong Learning and the European Union after Brexit.
The formal UALL AGM and Council Meeting takes place between 10.00 am and 11.15 am, followed by coffee. The Annual Seminar starts at 11.35 am and will close at 4.00 pm.
The Registration Form is attached and I would be grateful if you could complete and return this to me as soon as possible.
Of course, if you would like any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I very much look forward to seeing you.
With best wishes,
For regularly updated information about UALL, including events, go to: www.uall.ac.uk
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