The University of Geneva is advertising for a position of Associate or Assistant professor in the domain of Adult education. The title of the position is Individual trajectories in adult education (Formation des adultes, individus et trajectoires).
The position focuses on individual and personal dimensions of adult education. It is dedicated to the understanding of educational needs in adult life and how these needs can be experienced by individuals or addressed by institutional or societal responses. A focus on vulnerable conditions of adult life is expected, including for instance unemployment, migration, low skilled qualifications, discrimination, transitions, etc. Applicants should have a PhD in Education or in another related, relevant field. They are expected to have strong research track records and display current experience in conducting funded research projects. Empirical research is required in any of the following fields: Lifelong Education, Vocational Education and Training, Tertiary Education or the social and engagement and development of low skilled workers. The appointee is expected to contribute to the activities and projects of the Laboratory on Research, Intervention, Training and Work (RIFT: and to develop collaborations with practitioners from public institutions or private companies.
The professorial positions include a 120 to 180 hours teaching load, calculated on an annual base. Teaching comprises topical and methodological courses and seminars in the Bachelors of Education and the Masters of Adult Education program. Contributions to the doctoral program in Education are also expected, and participation in continuing education programs, at Certificate and Diploma levels. The appointee will be involved in organisational duties and institutional responsibilities at faculty level and within the Department of Educational Sciences. Teaching and administration tasks are conducted in French. Therefore, applicants should have a good level of spoken and written French or make preparations to be competent in French after a negotiated transition period.
The position is expected to be filled by 1st August 2019.
The deadline for applications is 14th May 2017. Additional information is available in the attached description and on the following website: Applications are only possible electronically, on the same web page.
For further information and queries, please contact Professor Laurent Filliettaz at [email protected]
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