Uppingham Seminars have held three-day international residential seminars from time to time in some central location in the UK since 1999, on a theme relating to education in the context of international development. The aim is to bring together 25-30 persons who have international experience of working in the area of discussion, in an informal context to engage in dialogue and sharing of experiences and insights, but without necessarily coming to a common mind. It is designed to be a period of shared critical reflection based on research experience. The theme for the 2020 Seminar will be Indigenous Peoples and Education.
For details of the Uppingham Seminars’ traditional pattern of seminar and other background information, please see our website.
This seminar aims to investigate indigenous peoples’ educational expectations (formal and informal), their demands for different pieces of knowledge, skills and language abilities. Educational disparities exist between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples across the globe, influenced by a diversity of social, economic, cultural and political conditions and histories. Indigenous peoples are heterogeneous with diverse educational demands, opportunities, and skills experiences, contingent upon factors such as gender, age and the ways in which discrimination and structural inequalities are lived and perpetuated. Youth are at the forefront of contemporary globalised and rapidly changing societies, characterised by among other things, resource extraction, climate change, urbanisation, and migration. This seminar will provide a space to explore indigenous people’s educational aspirations and agendas for change: How do global and dominant educational agendas influence their opportunities and how are their demands for rights to education being expressed, recognised, acted upon and achieved?
Participation: As usual with Uppingham Seminars, participation will be limited to 30. The only requirement for participation is a commitment to attend the whole of the seminar – it is not possible to ‘drop-in’ for one or two sessions. There is no pre-set programme except the opening session when the background paper will be discussed and the agenda for the rest of the seminar settled.
International participants: It is important to note that Uppingham Seminars is not a funding body and has no funds available to cover costs of travel or accommodation needed for participation. Uppingham Seminars will try as far as we are able to help international participants who have been accepted for participation to obtain the necessary visa to attend the Seminar.
Accommodation will be in Bishop Woodford House, Ely, UK. Ely (near Cambridge) is very easy to get to by train; it is a small beautiful city on a major river, and the site of one of Europe’s most important cathedrals. There will be time for an exploration of the city during the seminar.
The cost of the seminar will be in the range of £220-£180 according to the accommodation booked. A number of places have been reserved for those coming from low-income countries at £140-£100 per person according to accommodation. These charges cover seminar registration, accommodation and all meals from afternoon tea on Friday to afternoon tea on Sunday; there are no additional charges.
Organisation: This Uppingham Seminar is being organised by Uppingham Seminars in Development (UK), (convenor: Professor Alan Rogers). It is supported by the UNESCO Chair in Adult Learning and Literacy for Social Transformation, University of East Anglia, and by the UNESCO Chair for International Education and Development, University of Nottingham. The planning group consists of Dr Sheila Aikman, Dr Catherine Jere, Professor Simon McGrath, Professor Nitya Rao, Professor Anna Robinson-Pant and Professor Alan Rogers.
Applications are now invited from those wishing to attend, especially from those in low- income countries. There is no form for this preliminary application, but please give an indication of your experience of working with indigenous groups or peoples. It is recommended that applications should be made as early as possible, preferably before 1 June 2020, since places are limited to 30. An invitation to participate will be sent to those selected, taking into account criteria including experience of work with and/or research on indigenous peoples, geographical coverage, and gender. Full details and background papers will be provided to those accepted.
Applications for an invitation to participate and enquiries for further information should be directed to Alan Rogers at [email protected]
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