Need to Postpone Gendered Journeys launch

Need to Postpone Gendered Journeys launch

Due to circumstances beyond our control the Gendered Journeys project launch, due to take place on Friday 27th November will be postponed - however, we will be in contact as soon as possible with a future date. Please note though that the Happy Hour project event on Thursday evening (6.30 pm GMT) will still go ahead.

You can register here: 

Further events are also in development so watch this space.

In the meantime, for more info on the project please check out our blog post here:

And follow us on Twitter: @STEM_journeys and Facebook: @STEMGJ 

Thanks so much and speak soon,


Warm wishes,

Barbara and team

Dr Barbara Read
Reader in Gender and Social Inequalities School of Education, University of Glasgow
PI for the Gendered Journeys Project, ESRC ES/T005068/1


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