Universities UK has written to Government seeking support to mitigate the huge costs of COVID-19. Will Government respond? Should they? And if so, how?
Post date:
Monday, 27 April, 2020
Universities UK has written to Government seeking support to mitigate the huge costs of COVID-19. Will Government respond? Should they? And if so, how?
Higher education confronts a curious paradox. One of its traditional core missions is innately conservative: to conserve and transmit knowledge and culture for and to future generations. This tends also to be conservative in the related sense of reproducing the cultures – the modes, values and mores – of the different societies which it inhabits and which sustain it.
The 4th European Vocational Skills Week takes place during the 14-18 October 2019 throughout Europe. At the time of writing, there are 1138 events taking place in 45 countries. A very informative interactive map is provided on the European Commission's dedicated Vocational Skills Week web space (click the image below).
An interesting piece in the New Statesman on the ongoing degree inflation (with First Class degree awards being 7% in 1994 and 29% in 2019) and how it might have much wider implications and repercussions for the UK economy in comparison with its competitors. The author asks why such improvement has not been reflected in soaring productivity – instead of the UK having one of the lowest levels of productivity amongst its economic competitors.
The draft National Education Policy (NEP) of India (featured below) has many important suggestions to make higher education more purposive towards enabling India to achieve its constitutional vision and future aspirations. On the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, for Dr Rajesh Tandon, UNESCO Co-Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education, the draft NEP must be informed by Gandhi’s vision for higher education in India.
Increasingly over the last 30 years or so, legal issues in education have come to the fore in many countries. Examples abound: teachers and administrators of schools, post-secondary educations and other places of formal instruction and learning have to deal with disorderly student conduct that was formerly dealt with pedagogical means and sanctioned, in severe or repeat cases, by disciplinary action, but now fall into the responsibility of the police, various authorities dealing with youth, or the courts.
I’m pleased to report that Nicki Hedge and Catherine Lido are co-Is in a new EPSRC project led by Professor Anne Anderson, Head of the College of Social Sciences at the Universiy of Glasgow as PI. The funding for the project in total is £395,302, and it includes other Co-Is from Engineering and SPS. Congratulations to both Nicki and Catherine on this achievement.
November 2019 will mark an important educational centenary: the publication of the Ministry of Reconstruction’s Final Report on Adult Education. The report, largely authored by R.H. Tawney, set the groundwork for liberal adult education in Britain for the rest of the 20th century. Its centenary is, we believe, a vital opportunity to reflect on the needs and possibilities for adult education today.
The College of Social Sciences at the University of Glasgow invites expressions of interest from external candidates wishing to apply for UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships.
A team of researchers in the School of Education with Professor Kay Livingston as PI and co-led by Professor Catherine Doherty with Professor Trevor Gale, Dr Stephen Parker, and both Dr Ria Dunkley and Dr Catherine Lido of CR&DALL, all as co-Is, have been commissioned to conduct a study for the British Council to assess the impact of their programmes in Scotland.
University of Glasgow
Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL)
University of Glasgow, St. Andrew's Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow G3 6NH, Scotland
tel: +44 (0) 141 330 1835
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