Westminster Employment Forum Keynote Seminar
The future of adult and community learning
Post date:
Tuesday, 2 July, 2013
Westminster Employment Forum Keynote Seminar
The future of adult and community learning
Montreal 2013 is the first global event of the World Congress on Access to Post-Secondary Education. It is also the first step on our journey to build and enact an agenda for change that will ensure more participation also means wider participation and success.
ESRI and the Co-operative College are co-hosting an event that will bring together academics and practitioners to explore and develop the potential of the Co-operative school movement.
The day will feature keynote presentations from world-renowned critical educational scholar Prof. Mike Apple (University of Madison-Wisconsin) and Mervyn Wilson (Principal, Co-operative College), workshops from a range of Co‑operative educational providers, and discussions focused on the practical tasks for supporting the emergence of the Co-operative school movement.
Globally, participation in higher education has risen substantially. According to the OECD ( Education at a Glance 2012) entry rates to university level programmes in OECD countries grew on average by nearly 25 percentage points between 1995 and 2010. Consequently, more than a third of today’s young people have higher level qualifications than their parents and around 62% of young adults are expected to enter university - level programmes over their lifetimes.
Post-2015 Education and Development Agenda - Deadline 30 June 2013
A Special Edition of the Compare Forum is planned for the last edition of this year (43:6) focusing on the Post 2015 education and development agenda.
The University of Glasgow's Learning and Teaching Centre and the School of Education are delighted to announce that we have received funding from the Higher Education Academy for a three year full-time PhD studentship focused on 'evaluating the impact of student-staff co-created curricula in higher education'. The successful applicant will be supervised by Dr Catherine Bovill from the Learning & Teaching Centre and Professor Vivienne Baumfield from the School of Education.
Just published at the THEMP site, this book explores the theoretical underpinning of the Tertiary Higher Education for People in Mid-Life project, part-funded by the European Commission within the KA1 strand of the Lifelong Learning Programme.
We are pleased to announce Cedefop's latest Briefing Note “Quality: a requirement for generating trust in qualifications” for you to download in your preferred language (Spanish, German, Greek, English, French, Italian, Polish and Portuguese) and format (Pdf or eBook optimised for tablets and smartphones). [The English PDF version is featured below]
Please find below direct links to our three previous Briefing Notes:
This fully refereed, electronic journal provides established and emerging scholars and practitioners, social movements and profesionals a space for critical and empirical analysis, like that elaborating proposal of issues central educational policies, curriculum reform, cultural and political actions, alternatives activities and pedagogy.
University of Glasgow
Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL)
University of Glasgow, St. Andrew's Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow G3 6NH, Scotland
tel: +44 (0) 141 330 1835
email: [email protected]
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