In this edition of the L&W Newsletter, you should note in particular the call for proposals to the following conferences: AVETRA 2021 (online) - Recover, rethink and rebuild: All eyes on VET, TAKE 2021 - Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy in Porto, the Conference on Employer Engagement (online), the ESREA Network conference on Adult Learning and Communities in Seville, the Cedefop/OECD symposium on Apprenticeships for greener economies and societies (online) and EAPRIL 2021 - Learning in the Age of Industry 4.0 in Kufstein, Austria (see Conferences), and the call for contributions to special issues on: Emergent issues in research on VET (new volume of research book series), Regional disparities in national education (journal Education Sciences) and Doctoral theses in vocational education (Journal of Vocational Education & Training) (see Publications). And not to overlook: the Flash meeting on Corona Coping Competence organized by the LinkedIn Competence Studies Group (see Networks and Organisations)!
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