In this edition of the L&W Newsletter, you should note in particular the call for proposals to the following conferences: AVETRA 2021 (online) - Recover, rethink and rebuild: All eyes on VET, TAKE 2021 - Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy in Porto, the Conference on Employer Engagement (online), the ESREA Network conference on Adult Learning and Communities in Seville, the Cedefop/OECD symposium on Apprenticeships for greener economies and societies (online) and EAPRIL 2021 - Learning in the Age of Industry 4.0 in Kufstein, Austria (see Conferences), and the call for contributions to special issues on: Emergent issues in research on VET (new volume of research book series), Regional disparities in national education (journal Education Sciences) and Doctoral theses in vocational education (Journal of Vocational Education & Training) (see Publications). And not to overlook: the Flash meeting on Corona Coping Competence organized by the LinkedIn Competence Studies Group (see Networks and Organisations)!
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
The joint Cedefop/OECD publication on the next steps for apprenticeship looks at the future of apprenticeship from the perspective of emerging policy objectives, new approaches to education and training and external megatrends.
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You are invited to submit information for the next edition of the Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work [L&W], due to appear at the beginning of February 2021.
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In this edition of the L&W Newsletter, you should note in particular the call for proposals to the following conferences: the ESREA online conference on 'An ecology of life and learning', the online conference on Crossing Boundaries in VET, the AVETRA online conference 'All eyes on VET', the VET conference NordYrk in Linköping, the conference of the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society in Sofia and the conference on Science and Technology Education in Porto (see Conferences), and the call for papers for special issues on: 'The role of education and training in labour market integration' [Education + Training] and 'Financial literacy in VET' [ERVET] (see Publications). And not to overlook: the range of stimulating projects, books and articles on learning and work across Europe (see Projects and Publications)!
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Online research library marks its tenth anniversary
The online library provides a comprehensive repository of different and effective approaches to employer engagement and career education. It brings together the latest thinking with selected research published over the past 40 years.
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This project will investigate how far, and in what ways, gender may have an influence in the progress of students through higher education, graduation and progression into skilled employment in the STEM sector in India and Rwanda. This is important because science has a critical role in supporting global sustainable development that will not be realised unless it makes better use of the potential skills of women and girls.
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High investment, high involvement’ workplaces have the best outcomes for workers and employers according to a recent large-scale survey of company practices across Europe. Just 20% of EU organisations fall into this category – bundling practices that increase employee autonomy, facilitate employee voice and promote training and learning.
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World Access to Higher Education Day (WAHED) is a day of awareness raising that aims to bring global attention to inequality in access to higher education and to accelerate action. Now in its third year, WAHED is organised by the National Education Opportunities Network (NEON).
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Further to the webinar Workplace practices unlocking employee potential held on the 13th October by Cedefop together with Eurofound , presenting the key findings of the European Company Survey 2019 and their implications for policy and practice, two forthcoming webinars will be held:
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Welcome to our third issue of Quest for 2020 which features stories about the impact of adult learning programs from around Australia.
In this issue, you'll find stories about how Shane Fitzsimmons, Head of Resilience NSW overcame a rocky start at school and found career success through adult learning, how a local adult education centre in Guyra NSW produces the town's successful newspaper, why Victoria is leading the way in adult literacy training, why there's no stopping our three amazing Adult Learners Week scholarship winners who have turned their lives around through adult education, and more.
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